To Create Is to Live

As humans, we were meant to create. We create with our hands, our minds, our bodies—we ultimately create our entire lives. In our day-to-day routines, we create meals, relationships, routes to work, morning rituals. We are meant to create, create, create.
I find it utterly fascinating to see the depth of creativity that can emerge from the human mind. Paintings, poems, business ideas, fiction novels, thought patterns—it’s incredible and awe-inspiring. It makes me feel, without a doubt, that creating is what we were put on this earth to do. To experience ourselves through our own creative lens.
Each of us brings a unique gift of creativity. Imagine how beautiful and intricate the world would be if we all fully tapped into that part of ourselves. Let our right-brains run wild.
The Western world, I believe, has in many ways stifled this. It has promoted the diminishing of our unique gifts, placing us neatly into boxes:
• You’re good at math? Work with computers.
• You’re driven and well-spoken? Be a lawyer.
• You’re smart? Be a doctor.
• You’re good with children? Be a teacher.
Oh, and of course, work eight hours a day, five days a week, doing the same thing each day to earn the money to have a wedding, raise children, and be a contributing member of society and the economy. Live in the mundane. Be satisfied with “good enough.” And then—die.
I often think about ancient times—roaming free, working to stay safe, and when there was downtime, creating with our minds, bodies, and souls. Of course, we are not in those days anymore, and I’m not saying modern society is inherently bad. Whether it is or isn’t doesn’t even matter, because it is the way it is.
What I am saying is that I think, collectively, we have stifled our creativity—our very reason for being, for living, for loving. Blaming society won’t change anything, but figuring out how to tap into our own primal creativity will.
Creating versus simply doing. It’s almost parallel to doing versus being. Human beings and humans creating. When we are just being, we create naturally, from deep within our hearts. It’s the deepest, most innate part of ourselves. It’s cathartic, enjoyable, lively, energizing.
Creativity is the pinnacle of human life.
I want to create. To become so deeply aware of myself—soul bared, awakened to my unconscious mind. I want to create endlessly, to bring my uniqueness into the world and make it more colorful.
How will I create?
I know I’m on the right path. I will keep unraveling myself, immersing in new modalities, creating, and noticing how it feels. How will I create in a way that contributes to my mission?
I want to create and help others create. Guide them to tap in. To awaken what is already there. Because it is already there—waiting.
Creativity is just waiting to be unleashed.
How can we all unleash it? How can we create in the boldest, most unapologetic way?
That’s what I will figure out.
Creativity breeds creativity.
What I can do is unravel, dig deep, claw out what has been buried for years in the depths of my consciousness by the traumas of my past. Let it out of the dungeons, release it from exile. Having once abandoned my own creativity, I now bid it to return—to come out in a huge way.
I will harness the magic that allows human beings to realize the magic within themselves.
To create is to live.
Ask yourself the questions I’ll be asking myself as I continue exploring how to awaken my own creativity and my own life:
• Where in my life have I been boxed in?
• How can I create in the most unapologetic way?
• What does creativity feel like when I allow it to flow freely?
• What is waiting within me to be expressed?
Let these questions sit with you. Creativity is already there—waiting to be set free.
If you’re reading this—I love you :)